Thursday, August 18, 2011


Turns out a boy scout trying to earn his mime badge got the drop on me.  I've been in a coma for most of the past year.  Thanks for asking.

Well, I'm still in the hospital, but at least I am able to post.  Wow, what have a missed!  Obama takes out Osama (bet George Jr must be jealous).

And some Norwegian Christian terrorist xenophobe killed a bunch.

Anyway, in my quasi-lucid coma state, I have been thinking of new murderous opportunities.

Question: If you kill a Tea Partier, can the prosecution use science during the trial, since they clearly do not believe in? 

For example, if one pushes Perry off a cliff, is not God the one who kills him, since Perry does not believe in science/gravity, but instead believes that God is the one who really controls the goings-on of the Earth?

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