Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Given the immense popularity of TPMFD's first board game, "Who Would You Kill?: The Historical Edition," I have decided to release a second game, sure to be even more challenging than the first. 

"Whom Would Jesus Kill?" is designed for to push the limits of theology.  While novices and evangelicals might erroneously assume that Christ would simply kill all the sinners, a close study of the New Testament might suggest otherwise.  Christ suggested turning the other cheek and told the rich they would not make it into Heaven.  Thus, would not Prosperity Gospel folks and televangelists be top on the list.  Jesus Kills Billy Graham, move ahead ten spaces.  Or better yet, Jesus Kills God the Father--you win.  Why would Jesus kill God?  Good question: if mythology has taught us anything, it is deities are never satisfied with their power--they all want to usurp the ultimate power.  History and Shakespeare teach us the same thing.  Why do you think we have such terms as deicide, regicide, patricide?  Or maybe Jesus kills the Holy Ghost out of jealousy?  The Age of Jesus passes with Paul and Pentecost.  And poor Jesus: we can blaspheme the shit out of Jesus and it's forgiveable, but noooo, blaspheme the milksop Holy Ghost and it's unforgiveable.  Did the Holy Ghost have to become human and get executed?  No wonder Jesus wants him dead.

For Non-Christians, we also have:
             "Whom Would the Dalai Lama Kill?" (Hint: he has a lazy brother in Tibet who sells cheap t-shirts with his brother's image on them, and the DL does not even get royalties.)
             "Whom Would Allah Kill?" (Hint: it's actually not the decadent West.)
             "Whom Would Jehovah Kill?" (Note: This game is also sold under the title: Whom Wouldn't Jehovah Kill?"
             "Whom Would Darwin Kill?"
             "Whom Would Krishna Kill?" (See Note for Whom Would Jehovah Kill?)
             "Whom Would My Dead Ancestors Kill?"
             "Whom Would the Buddha Kill?" (Hint: if the Buddha meets itself on the road...)
             "Whom Would The Great Spirit Kill?"

We are also considering other titles in the "Whom Would ... Kill?" franchise.  If you have ideas, and we deem them marketable, please let us know and you'll be able to share in our riches.

As always, two-thirds of the points are awarded for the explanation and your ability to convince your playmates of the righteousness of the kills.



  1. Jesus is gonna kill you, that's who. If the Holy Sprit doesn't get you first.
    Rot in Hell,
    Pastor Dawkins

  2. Oh Shit!
    I accidently wrote Holy Sprit, in stead of Holy Spirit---please let that not count as blashpemy--it reaaly was an accident!

  3. Jesus couldn't kill shit. HE's a hairy old pussy.
    Jed T.
